Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all you fathers out there, this is the day that you can fish all day and your family will greet you with open arms and a great meal on your return. No work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rivers are still high but dropping some with enough visibility to have them see it if you hit them in the head with it. Try big rubber leg stones trailed with a prince or copper john, even a lightning bug. But get out there and enjoy your day Fathers of the world.

Yesterday we still pressured the still waters and got some real toads. The fish took some olive leeches early in the day but not as well as they have been. The best action came on midge pupa cast to cruising fish and also blind fished under an indicator. Then with the wind pushing the warm water to one side of the lake the callibaetis action picked up and we took a dozen or so fish on dries.

Many thanks to the Dr. Wilson and his sons Brent and Rolf for a fun day. Here are a few pictures of Brent Wilson with a few of his monsters. Brent is a father of two and enjoyed his holiday with his brother and Dad.



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