July 13 Ruby River

Yesterday I had the pleasure of fishing with trout junkie Rolf Wilson from next door at the Main Street Gym. Man, what a day! Bugs, bugs, bugs. We had PMD's, Caddis, Baetis, and the occasional spruce moth almost the entire time we were on the water. For the most part the fish we found were feeding in pods of four or five. The fish feeding in the broken water were willing to eat a well placed dry but the fish in the slick water had me constantly shuffling through my fly box until I found something they liked. Later in the day when we decided to make our way back the truck we threw streamers as we walked down stream and managed to move some larger fish. The river is running at a perfect 326 cfs and is gin clear making feeding fish easy to spot.
If you go you will need,
Para PMD's, PMD Sparkle Dun, CDC Emergers, Para Caddis, Para Adams.
Military Nymph, PMD Soft Hackle, Sparkle Pupa, Scuds.
Olive Zonkers, Big Horne Buggers, Wooly Buggers.
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