Tuesday, November 11, 2008

11/11/08 Changeing with the seasons

The closer we get to winter the more we think about and practice cold water techniques. Though many of us are still in the fall "big streamer big fish mode", the way we fish streamers changes as the water temps gradually drop. Ripping a sculpin pattern off the bank will become less and less effective and slow retrieves or swinging flies through deep runs and pools will be increasingly productive . Once the Brown Trout have spawned and eggs are not so prevalent, the fish will begin to go into winter mode and seek out deeper and more importantly slower pools to hang out in until spring brings warmer water temps.

Now, with all of that said, winter isn't here yet... In fact, we still have some very summer like fishing available to us in the form of a little olive May Fly known as the Baetis. With the abundance of cloudy and cool days lately, those size 20 may flies have been hatching regularly and some of our rivers have seen some fabtabulous dry fly action in the foam that collects in the back eddies and seams. We don't have too many chances left this season to fish on top, so before it's all bottom bouncing and bobbers, get out your 6x leader and dry fly box one more time before old man winter arrives.




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