Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring fishing

April 2009

The spring weather has finally warmed up enough to fish comfortably. The Lower Madison has fished well producing good numbers of decent browns from 15"to 19", but few big dogs over twenty. The big guys were not there in good numbers last fall, so I did not expect to see them this spring and I was right. But with the number of nice fish in the 18" class there will be good numbers of 20 inchers this year in September.

I want to tell you about a game called Trout Football dreamed up by Mike Treloar. The scoring goes like this: a trout under 15" is a field goal for three points, a trout between 15" and 18" is a touchdown and 6 points, a trout over18" is worth 6 points plus the two point conversion(8),and all trout have to be played to the net to count. Now a whitefish is a safety for the other team or teams, giving the other teams 2 points, and the other team or teams only have to see that it is a whitefish, it doesn't have to be landed. Mike, Greg Bricker and I played on the Yellowstone the other day and had a blast. We rotated every 30 minutes around the boat with the front fisherman going to the rowers seat, the rower going to the back and the back fisherman to the front. You can make up other rules as you go along. You are allowed to call a time out to change flies but not if you break off.

I brought on the kicking team in the 3rd quarter throwing small baetis nymphs size 18 and landed 4 quick bows to break into the lead.

The final score Rod-41, Mike 29, and Bricker 16. It was a fun day. So, bring your A game next time Greg.

Headed to Long Island Bahamas on Monday to fish for some bonefish. Pam and I will give you a report when we get back, just in time for the Mothers Day Caddis hatch.



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