Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bitterroot river 3-14-09

I ventured west to the Bitterroot River this past weekend for a romantic getaway with my fish-o-holic partner in crime, Sarah. Though the fishing was secondary on this trip, we did manage to get a few hours on the water. One of the more attractive buckets that we fished had a big slow back eddie full of emerging midges and the occasional stonefly nymph, witch told me that Skallas are just around the corner.

Check out the very short clip of the "fish of the day" caught by Sarah just a few hours before I asked her to be my permanent fishing partner and the future Mrs. Webb......She said yes




Blogger Baetis said...

All right Ty! Woo Hoo, way to go. Good job on the proposal too.

March 19, 2009 at 9:24 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

Thanks man.

March 21, 2009 at 3:41 PM  
Blogger Justin said...


Don't know if this is the best way to get word to you or not??? I like these posts, very nice. Wanted to give you the quick report from the Yellowstone this last Sunday. When I got down there it was fairly slow(for me any way). I tied on every fly in the box and couldn't get anything rolling for a while. Took about 2 hours and 3 whitefish later to find a rainbow. I finally caught 2 rainbows before it started getting cold and rainy. One on a san juan, and the other on a size 20 black gnat pattern. The gnat was on top though!! so that was cool. I saw one slirping on top so I tied that on and about 20 casts later he went for it. Catching the first one made it all worth it! The second one was nice! After that is started getting cold and rainy. Any way, there's the low down.

March 24, 2009 at 9:04 AM  
Blogger Admin said...

Nice Justin! I would rather get one trout on a dry fly than 10 on a nymph.

March 24, 2009 at 11:11 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

Any fishing reports from somewhere that might be warmer (in MT) for this weekend?? Or should a guy stay around here and bare the cold? Never been to the bighorn?? I'll be tying Sunday unless I find some warm oasis with good fishing.


March 27, 2009 at 10:22 AM  
Anonymous lorna said...

Neat littel clip. I couldn't ask for a better life partner for you. Good things are worth waiting for. You finally did it right Ty!!

I love you! Mom xoxoox

April 1, 2009 at 8:41 AM  

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