Thursday, October 22, 2009

October Gallatin Days

We’ve been fishing out on the Gallatin the past couple days with some luck. We started fishing close to the canyon and have been working downstream since. Closer to the canyon we were able to find some deep runs that were just filled with rainbows, and of course lots of whitefish. They were mainly hitting dead drifted olive bead head buggers, zonkers, prince nymphs, and San Juan worms. The next day we decided to pack our bags and head out to the Big City (aka. Manhattan) where the East Gallatin dumps into the Gallatin. Here we encountered some descent browns and some more bows. The browns are just starting to get aggressive and a mini sculpin pattern seemed to be the ticket. Don’t let the cold weather discourage you, bundle up and enjoy. The fishing is great.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oct. 1st Yellowstone River

Clients, Steve and Asa, came back for their second trip this season to the Yellowstone River for some early fall Salminoid love. Though we did run into a few trout, the only true love was coming from the hoards of Whitefish that have taken over every square inch of the river. We fished every fly that a trout would love and a Whitey would only eat if it was bounced off of his nose. Still couldn't keep Mr. Whitefish off the hook. We threw the biggest Bow River Bugger I had in the boat, only to be inhaled by the biggest Whitefish upstream of Livingston. So, if you're a numbers guy and you're looking to rack up some points, head over to the Yellowstone with those crap flies you tied after too much beer. They'll eat it.

