Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer 08 Recap

This is from the missing link in the Bozeman Angler blogger program. My thanks to Ty, Andy, Chad, Pam and Daniel for keeping their blogs up to date.

I had a great summer after a very slow start due to the very cold, wet and long run off. But the wait was well worth it. The water conditions were reminiscent of years past with the rivers full all summer and water temperatures between 58 and 65 degrees. Even the hoppers showed in force and brought up the big trout in good numbers. This fall should be fantastic fishing right thru October. If any of you have a chance to come out streamer fishing this would be the September to do it.
My good friend Hugh McDowell from NZ will be here this coming weekend and we will go in search of old fighter once again. I have not seen Hugh in several years and I'm looking forward to his visit.

I once again apologize for my lack in computer skills and not posting my clients photos with names and dates. Thanks to all my old fishing friends and the new friends.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Sept 9th Rod took me on a float trip on one of his stillwater locations and I can honestly say I don't think I have ever landed so many respectable rainbows in one day in my seriously long flyfishing life!

Fish were rising to callabaetis when we arrived but although Rod tied the tiny patterns to my near invisible tippet I couldn't see them among the wave-ripple so I decided to try a secret pattern called "Royal Wulff" which I COULD see.

The fish saw them too and obviously liked them, despite the lack of resemblance to the naturals and Rod was kept busy netting and releasing up until lunchtime. Then the trout changed their diet to water-boatmen but I had a wee soft-hackled wet fly called a Mylar Spider that did the business and I stuck with it for the rest of the day.

There was a blizzard of tiny flying ants in the late afternoon but I was still getting all the action I could handle on my Mylar Spider so I kept fishing it and when it was time to quit I wasn't altogether sorry because my wrist was literally throbbing after playing fish almost all day.

Thanks Rod for one of the most incredible day's flyfishing I've ever had. It was definitely one out of the book and will surely be a hard act to follow!

September 10, 2008 at 3:20 PM  

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