Due to snow pack, along with many rainy days in May and so far in June Southwest Montana rivers have more water than in many years.
As of June 1st statewide snow packs are at 148% of average and 374% of last year this according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The river drainages in and around Bozeman are
Madison River basin 118 to 126 % of average
Gallitin River basin 120 to 131% of average
Upper Yellowstone River basin 112 to 126% of average
Lower Yellowstone River basin 132 to 153 % of average
What this all adds up to for fly fishermen thinking about coming to Montana is that this year is shaping up to be one of the best years in the last ten. If you have been thinking about a trip out west this is the time to come. Our bookings at The Bozeman Angler are on the rise in spite of highier gas prices, airline prices and the economy.
To check on a guide booking or for further information call the emergency trout line 800-886-9111. Hope to see you this summer.
Labels: Rod